
Welcome to my Creative World

I am a professional web designer currently living in Cincinnati.
My designing and coding journey was prompted by frustration that I experienced navigating some of the websites, where I realized I wanted to decode what’s behind the often not-so-pretty surface and understand how user experience can be improved. I completed Web Design and Development Skillcrush online course, followed by a few courses on UI Design, CSS and JavaScript on Scrimba as well as Google Analytics courses to get a better grasp of search engine optimization and ways to track it, and in 2014 moved from consulting to web design and WordPress development at VWA.

I started my business in 2015 but have been building websites since 2013. I class myself as a ‘Web Designer & Front-end Developer’ which means I do both design and development in equal measures and work on the entire process of making a website, end-to-end, from the moment you fill out a project questionnaire, to creating a mock-up of the site, to building it so that it’s ready for you to use.

I love my work, the environment, technology, exercise, and exploring.


My Work Experience

UX/UI Designer

Catch- A- Fire

2024 - Now

WordPress Developer

iDesignsite Co

2015 - Current

Church Media Director

Good Shepherd Church

2022 - Now

SEO Specialist

Indy Digital Marketing Solutions

2014 - 2015

My World

When I am not building websites
I am traveling around midwest region taking drone videos and photos


My Design Philosophy

Today, I am driven by the belief that great design is not just about aesthetics; it’s about creating meaningful connections between brands and their audiences. I am committed to continuous learning and innovation, ensuring that my designs not only look great but also deliver results.

Crafting Purposeful Experiences
User-Centric Approach
Innovation and Adaptability
Collaboration and Communication


Site of the day

CSS Design Award

CSS Ninja

CSS Design Award

CSS Champion


Site of the day

Have Project in Mind?

Let’s Turn your Ideas
into Reality

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